Monday, December 20, 2010

Fancy White Trash

            Fancy White Trash by Marjetta Geerling is about a girl named Abby who has to deal with the problems in her everyday life. She doesn't really have any role models, because basically all of her sisters are either pregnant, had a baby, or just bad. The people that Abby is surrounded by impact her life in many ways.
           Abby is different than the people in her family. Abby wants to learn from her sisters' mistakes, instead of following in their footsteps. She has a good head on her shoulders, and wants a better life for herself. However, it's not easy when you don't have a positive role model or a good living enviornment.
           I think this is why a lot of kids have problems. Most people aren't strong like Abby. So they usually follow in their family members steps because that's what they feel comfortable with. They think it's the right thing to do, because their parents do it, so why can't they?
           But, this can go two ways you can look at this as a bad thing, or a good thing. Sometimes when kids see how are their parents lives are, it makes them want to work harder. It makes them want to be better than that and go farther in life. Either way, it's good to have someone that you can look up to.

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Last Song

               Do we become oblivious to the world when we're in love? Does nothing else matter? In the Last Song, this happens to Ronnie, a rebellious teen. A tragedy has to happen for her to snap out of it. Most of her life becomes to devoted to her boyfriend, Will.
                Is this what is wrong with teenage relationships? Do we fall too hard, too fast? I think so. We don't really know who we are yet, so throwing a boyfriend in there doesn't really help. It's not a bad thing if you have one, but you shouldn't revolve your life around it. There are many things that are more important then a boy at this age. Like family, school, & friends.
                Sometimes, people slack off in school when they have a boyfriend/girlfriend. It's terrible because school gets you further in life, not a middle school crush. That's what parents mean when they say "you'll have the rest of your life to worry about girls/boys." A lot of girls think that they'll be with that boy forever, and it's almost never true. So you should start paying attention to the people that really matter in life.
                This book really helped me appreciate my family. In a second, they can be gone. Then you'll regret not spending enough time with them. It reminded me to always stay true to myself. And never forget the ones who were there for me from the beginning.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Living on Impulse

             Would you be able to risk everything for a piece of clothing? Risk your family, friends, even your own freedom? Mia Morrow does. Living on Impulse by Cara Haycak, tells a story of a teenage girl with a stealing problem. Mia  is such a compulsive stealer, that when she's in the mode, nothing can stop her. She doesn't stop to think about what she is doing. She really is living on impulse.
              Stealing does have many risks, however it's just not worth it. Why would you want to go from being free to a dark jail, all for a shoe? Sometimes, in life you have to seriously think about what you're doing. And most of the time, if you second guess it, or have to think about it, it's probably not the right thing to do. Mia second guesses herself, but then does it anyway. It's like her heart knows what's right, but her mind doesn't. And for her, her mind takes over.
             This is not one of the biggest issues for teens. But, it's still an issue. Parents always tell you, "no stealing, hitting, or bad language" when you're young. When you get older, it feels like all of those rules go away. You're not with your parents all of the time anymore, you have more freedom, and you feel pressured to do what you're friends are doing.
              But, this can be prevented. It doesn't matter if you don't have a great supportive family. Although it helps, they're not always going to be there to tell you what to do, and the difference between right and wrong. This is when responsibility is needed. YOU are responsible for your actions. YOU know right from wrong. YOU are the one who is in control of your future. If you mess it up, there's no going back. So next time, if you feel like whatever you are doing is wrong, it most likely is. And ask yourself, is this worth it?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Hard Love

        Hard Love by Ellen Wittlinger is a book about a young love that is not easy. Marisol is a lesbian that recently just "came out of the closet". There love is very difficult because John is very shocked once Marisol tells him she likes him. They try to maintain a good friendship by writing zines to each other.
       This book was cool because this is how a lot of middle/high school teenagers feel. They don't really quite know who they are yet, but they are conflicted with the pain and joy of liking/loving someone. It's a hard time because you have so much to deal with. School work, fitting in, friends, etc. But having a crush/boyfriend is something that everyone goes through.
        Love and crushes are very fragile when you're a teenager. You're naieve, vulnerable, and sensitive. Sometimes, you can't even focus on your work because you're thinking about that person. It interferes with work, but you feel like you can't control it. You want it to go away, but no matter what you do, it doesn't.
        This book is very helpful during these times. It lets you know that it's not going to be easy. It's not what you want to hear, but it's true. Everyone wants a perfect relationship, but that's only in fairy tales. And this book helps you get through it.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Normal Girl

       Normal Girl by Molly Jong-Fast is a book about a girl(Miranda) who deals with drugs. Drugs aren't Miranda's only problem. Her boyfriend Josh, just passed away, and she believes that she killed him. She couldn't even stay sober for his funeral. Miranda finds herself surrounded by a very bad influence, Janice. Janice is her "friend" who is a drug addict as well. This is a terrible problem that many teenagers are conflicted with everyday.
      Drugs and peer pressure are a part of most teenagers' lives. They can't do one without the other. A lot of teens don't look to do drugs, but are peer pressured by their so called friends to do so. The worst thing about this, is that most parents aren't aware that their kids are doing drugs. So, by the time they find out, they're older and don/'t live with them, or it's too late.
      My mom is the best about making sure me and my sister are on the right track. My sister and I have such an open relationship with each other, our family and our mom. I can talk to them about literally anything. Since my sister is older than me, but younger than my mom, I tend to go to her with more of the teenage-related problems. She understands because she's been there. I love talking to her about stuff like that, because she is so strong, and isn't easily pressured.
       It's very unfortunate when kids don't have good family or friends that are there for them. It must be hard to deal with that, because I don't think anyone really wants to do it. At first you might like it, because it's new but over time, it becomes an addiction. And just because you're addicted, doesn't mean you want to do it. You need to be really strong and have a good head on your shoulders to be able to deal with peer pressure.
       Although this book is about a very bad topic, I think kids, and adults can learn from it. It shows you what a bad choice drugs are. It shows you what you'd be going through if you did do drugs. It shows you just how hard life can get. But life is and will always be hard, and drugs won't make it any better.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Breaking Dawn #2

     Would you be willing to do whatever it takes to get the one you want ? Even if it means turning to violence? In Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer, both Edward and Jacob have to face these problems. They're both in love with Bella, and are constantly fighting to prove to her that they're the one she should choose.
      Even though Breaking Dawn is a fantasy book, there are still problems in it that people deal with everyday. One thing is violence. Throughout all of the books in the series, physical and emotional fighting occurs. This is something a lot of people in the world go through, especially kids and teenagers. Physical fighting is a big problem in schools, gangs, relationships, etc. It's terrible, but does happen. I feel like schools try to educate us about verbal bullying, but not enough on physical bullying. Physical fighting leaves kids feeling afraid, and worrying about how the next day at school, or at home is going to be.
    Verbal abuse, is one of the worst things a kid can go through. They feel insecure, alone, and hate themselves. This leads them to do self-destructive and heartbreaking things. Neither type of abuse is acceptable. But how come there isn't enough being done about it ?  I feel like there's so much more we all can do to help stop, or prevent this from happening. Especially in Middle and High School. We're all old enough, and know better, so why bully someone? It doesn't prove anything. It doesn't make you cool, or prove that you're stronger, or tougher than anyone else. It just makes you look like a big mean jerk. Bullying is something that I strongly oppose. One thing that I think we can all start doing to prevent this from happening, is tell an adult, if you, or someone else is being bullied. It's not snitching, it's the right thing to do, and may even save someones life !

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Breaking Dawn (SPOILER ALERT !)

          In Breaking Dawn, the love triangle continues to grow, and becomes much more difficult. Bella is deeply in love with Edward, but doesn't know how to keep her best friend Jacob without hurting him. Jacob refuses to give up, and still tries to protect her, even from her own fiancee. When Bella has a baby, Jacob finds himself sharing her with yet another person. Although it's hard for him, he remains loyal. Like he said, "I'm gonna fight for you, until your heart stops beating."
              Personally, I think that Bella should be with Jacob. Edward is crazy nice, but he's too clingy. Of course, he obviously loves Bella but, when she's with Jacob, it just seems right. He'd do literally anything for her, and loves her more than she'll probably ever know. When she's with him, she seems to be more comfortable, and herself. With Edward, she's always serious, and they never have fun.     
              Breaking Dawn is about love, and who will always be there for you. We all have someone that we know or hope will be in our lives forever. My best friend, Melanie is someone who has been with me through basically everything. Without her, I don't really know what I'd do. She's like my own little diary. I tell her anything & everything. I know that no matter what, she'll never judge me.
               But, when it comes to love, Jacob can't help but judge Bella and the choices she makes. It's only because he loves and cares for her, though. With anyone that you love, you always want to see them make the right decisions, and make sure that they're happy.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Dear John

   Dear John tells a story of love, pain, and distance. This is something we all can relate to. But, Savannah and John's relationship is not really like others. They are forced to be away from each other because he's in the military. Since it's hard to communicate,  they decide to stay close by writing letters to each other.

   I never really thought about it, until I read this book, but this is how military couples/families actually feel.
Imagine being away from the one you love, and never knowing if he or she is going to be okay. Savannah misses and worries about John constantly. Eventually, it takes a toll on their relationship, when Savannah realizes that she wants a stable family, and cannot have one with John.

    Nicholas Sparks' books are almost always about romance, but I always seem to be able to connect to them in some way. In my life, my sister is the one that I miss. She's away in college, and although she is smart and strong, I can't help but worry about her. She's 19 and can very well take care of herself, but to me, in this big world, she seems so small.

    Besides being away from the girl he loves, John has a tough time being away from his dad. Him and his dad were never really close, as a matter of fact, half of the time they spend together, they're fighting. But John loves his dad a lot. His mother wasn't around while growing up, so his dad was the one raising him. (SPOILER ALERT- do not read on if you want to read Dear John and do not want to know the ending.)
     But, when John's father gets very ill and passes away, John feels terrible about the way he has treated him. I learned a lesson from this, which was to never take advantage or treat people bad while they're here. Especially your family, because one day you could wake up, and they can be gone. So cherish everyday you have with them, because you never know if it's going to be your last.

      All around, Dear John is an amazing book. I think no matter who you are, you'll like this book. It makes you realize what and who's important in life. It  also teaches you that it's okay to be vulnerable and fall in love. Just make sure you're ready for it.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Stuart Little by E.B. White

    While re-reading Stuart Little, it brought back lots of memories for me. Most of which were with my mom. This was one of the first books I've ever read, so it's very dear to me. My mother and I used to go to the library while my sister was in school, and we would just read endlessly. Reading was a bond that we shared, and Stuart Little definitely brought us closer, because I would ask her to read it to me all of the time ! I always had an infatuation with animals, so this book was one of my favorites. When I read this book now, it's like I can hear my mother's gentle soft tone reading every word. It gives me that home feeling. It also makes me feel like I'm three years old again, sitting in that library, reading this book. When I was younger, this book was more of a pleasure to me. Now, it helps me see the world, and people in a whole different perspective. It's crazy how much your thinking can change, and you can take a child book and use it as something to help guide you through certain parts of life.