Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Stuart Little by E.B. White

    While re-reading Stuart Little, it brought back lots of memories for me. Most of which were with my mom. This was one of the first books I've ever read, so it's very dear to me. My mother and I used to go to the library while my sister was in school, and we would just read endlessly. Reading was a bond that we shared, and Stuart Little definitely brought us closer, because I would ask her to read it to me all of the time ! I always had an infatuation with animals, so this book was one of my favorites. When I read this book now, it's like I can hear my mother's gentle soft tone reading every word. It gives me that home feeling. It also makes me feel like I'm three years old again, sitting in that library, reading this book. When I was younger, this book was more of a pleasure to me. Now, it helps me see the world, and people in a whole different perspective. It's crazy how much your thinking can change, and you can take a child book and use it as something to help guide you through certain parts of life.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad this was such a good rereading experience. I love how you shared some "small moment" snippets in this post!
