Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Breaking Dawn #2

     Would you be willing to do whatever it takes to get the one you want ? Even if it means turning to violence? In Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer, both Edward and Jacob have to face these problems. They're both in love with Bella, and are constantly fighting to prove to her that they're the one she should choose.
      Even though Breaking Dawn is a fantasy book, there are still problems in it that people deal with everyday. One thing is violence. Throughout all of the books in the series, physical and emotional fighting occurs. This is something a lot of people in the world go through, especially kids and teenagers. Physical fighting is a big problem in schools, gangs, relationships, etc. It's terrible, but does happen. I feel like schools try to educate us about verbal bullying, but not enough on physical bullying. Physical fighting leaves kids feeling afraid, and worrying about how the next day at school, or at home is going to be.
    Verbal abuse, is one of the worst things a kid can go through. They feel insecure, alone, and hate themselves. This leads them to do self-destructive and heartbreaking things. Neither type of abuse is acceptable. But how come there isn't enough being done about it ?  I feel like there's so much more we all can do to help stop, or prevent this from happening. Especially in Middle and High School. We're all old enough, and know better, so why bully someone? It doesn't prove anything. It doesn't make you cool, or prove that you're stronger, or tougher than anyone else. It just makes you look like a big mean jerk. Bullying is something that I strongly oppose. One thing that I think we can all start doing to prevent this from happening, is tell an adult, if you, or someone else is being bullied. It's not snitching, it's the right thing to do, and may even save someones life !


  1. Kayla,

    It seems like you may a solid idea for your picture book here! Great job unpacking the issue of bullying.

  2. It's really interesting that you associated violence with breaking dawn. Obviously it's about dangerous fantasy creatures, but I always think of romance when I think of the twilight books. Good job! :)
