Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Dear John

   Dear John tells a story of love, pain, and distance. This is something we all can relate to. But, Savannah and John's relationship is not really like others. They are forced to be away from each other because he's in the military. Since it's hard to communicate,  they decide to stay close by writing letters to each other.

   I never really thought about it, until I read this book, but this is how military couples/families actually feel.
Imagine being away from the one you love, and never knowing if he or she is going to be okay. Savannah misses and worries about John constantly. Eventually, it takes a toll on their relationship, when Savannah realizes that she wants a stable family, and cannot have one with John.

    Nicholas Sparks' books are almost always about romance, but I always seem to be able to connect to them in some way. In my life, my sister is the one that I miss. She's away in college, and although she is smart and strong, I can't help but worry about her. She's 19 and can very well take care of herself, but to me, in this big world, she seems so small.

    Besides being away from the girl he loves, John has a tough time being away from his dad. Him and his dad were never really close, as a matter of fact, half of the time they spend together, they're fighting. But John loves his dad a lot. His mother wasn't around while growing up, so his dad was the one raising him. (SPOILER ALERT- do not read on if you want to read Dear John and do not want to know the ending.)
     But, when John's father gets very ill and passes away, John feels terrible about the way he has treated him. I learned a lesson from this, which was to never take advantage or treat people bad while they're here. Especially your family, because one day you could wake up, and they can be gone. So cherish everyday you have with them, because you never know if it's going to be your last.

      All around, Dear John is an amazing book. I think no matter who you are, you'll like this book. It makes you realize what and who's important in life. It  also teaches you that it's okay to be vulnerable and fall in love. Just make sure you're ready for it.


  1. omg. <3 it! The story was even better when we saw the movie.

  2. you are doing some nice thinking with this book. nice focus as well.

  3. Kayla,

    Nice post on the importance of relationships.
